Y O U H A V E B E E N _ ==(W{==========- /===- || (.--.) /===-_---~~~~~~~~~------____ | \_,|**|,__ |===-~___ _,-' ` -==\\ `\ ' `--' ), `//~\\ ~~~~`---.___.-~~ ______-==| /`\_. .__/\ \ | | \\ _-~` __--~~~ ,-/-==\\ ( | . |~~~~| | | `\ ,' _-~ /' | \\ )__/==0==-\<>/ / / \ / .' / | \\ /~\___/~~\/ /' / \ /' / ____ / | \`\.__/-~~ \ |_/' / \/' /-'~ ~~~~~---__ | ~-/~ ( ) /' _--~` \_| / _) | ; ), __--~~ '~~--_/ _-~/- |/ \ '-~ \ {\__--_/} / \\_>-|)<__\ \ /' (_/ _-~ | |__>--<__| | | _/) )-~ | |__>--<__| | / /~ ,_/ / /__>---<__/ | o-o _// /-~_>---<__-~ / (^(~ /~_>---<__- _-~ ,/| /__>--<__/ _-~ ,//('( |__>--<__| / .----_ ( ( ')) |__>--<__| | /' _---_~\ `-)) )) ( |__>--<__| | /' / ~\`\ ,/,'//( ( \__>--<__\ \ /' // || ,( ( ((, )) ~-__>--<_~-_ ~--____---~' _/'/ /' `~/ )` ) ,/| ~-_~>--<_/-__ __-~ _/ ._-~//( )/ )) ` ~~-'_/_/ /~~~~~~~__--~ ;'( ')/ ,)( ~~~~~~~~~~ ' ') '( (/ ' ' ` P A R M E D ParmEd: a Parameter file Editor ['../../../../../scripts/parmed_dacP_dinuc.in'] Reading actions from ../../../../../scripts/parmed_dacP_dinuc.in Adding prmtop tmp.topo to parm list. tmp.topo is the active parm. Changing :2@OP1 Lennard-Jones well depth from 0.2100 to 0.2100 (kal/mol) and radius from 1.6612 to 1.7493 (Angstroms) Changing :2@OP2 Lennard-Jones well depth from 0.2100 to 0.2100 (kal/mol) and radius from 1.7493 to 1.7493 (Angstroms) Changing :2@O5' Lennard-Jones well depth from 0.1700 to 0.1700 (kal/mol) and radius from 1.6837 to 1.7718 (Angstroms) Changing :1@O3' Lennard-Jones well depth from 0.1700 to 0.1700 (kal/mol) and radius from 1.7718 to 1.7718 (Angstroms) Making atoms @O4' into a new LJ atom type Outputting Amber topology file full.topo.hmr Done!