#!/bin/tcsh # Minimization for explicit solvent, The protocol told by Dan setenv AMBERHOME /uufs/chpc.utah.edu/common/home/u0827715/Amber/GIT/amber-kepler set path = ($AMBERHOME/exe $path) set path = ($AMBERHOME/bin $path) setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/cuda-5.0/lib: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/cuda-5.0/lib64: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH" setenv runpmemd "$AMBERHOME/bin/pmemd.cuda" setenv TOP 'full.topo.hmr' # Starting coordiantes setenv CRD 'rand.crds' # Number of solute residues (assumes start at 1) set S = 2 # Solute backbone mask #setenv BACKBONEMASK ":1-$S@H,N,CA,HA,C,O" # Protein setenv BACKBONEMASK ":1-$S@P,O5',C5',C4',C3',O3' " # DNA # Temperature set T = 298.15 # 1K step Steepest Descent Minimization with strong restraints on heavy atoms, no shake cat > step1.in < step2.in < step3.in < step4.in < step5.in < step6.in < step7.in < step8.in < step9.in <> equil.log # if [[ ! -e $RUN.rst ]] ; then $runpmemd -O -i $RUN.in -p $TOP -c $CRD -ref $CRD -o $RUN.out -x $RUN.traj -r $RUN.rst -inf $RUN.mdinfo # fi setenv CRD "$RUN.rst" end # Equilibration phase - reference coords are last coords from minimize phase setenv REF "$CRD" foreach RUN (step6 step7 step8 step9) echo " $RUN" >> equil.log $runpmemd -O -i $RUN.in -p $TOP -c $CRD -ref $REF -o $RUN.out -x $RUN.traj -r $RUN.rst -inf $RUN.mdinfo setenv CRD "$RUN.rst" end #setenv STOP "`date +%s.%N`" #set TIMING = `echo "scale=4; $STOP - $START;" | bc` #echo "$TIMING seconds." echo "" exit 0