CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V15.00 ___ ___ ___ ___ | \/ | \/ | \/ | _|_/\_|_/\_|_/\_|_ | Date/time: 11/10/15 11:51:55 | Available memory: 84613.6 MB INPUT: Reading Input from file pt-criteria.in [parm ../../build/full.topo.hmr [traj]] Reading '../../build/full.topo.hmr' as Amber Topology [strip :WAT,Na+,K+,Cl-] STRIP: Stripping atoms in mask [:WAT,Na+,K+,Cl-] [autoimage origin] AUTOIMAGE: To origin based on center of mass, anchor is first molecule. [rmsd :1,2&!@H= first] RMSD: (:1,2&!@H*), reference is first frame (:1,2&!@H*), with fitting. [nativecontacts :1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9 :2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2 mindist] Warning: No reference structure specified. Defaulting to first. NATIVECONTACTS: Mask1=':1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9' Mask2=':2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2', contacts set up based on first frame. Distance cutoff is 7 Angstroms, imaging is on. Mask selection will not include solvent. Data set name: Contacts_00001 Saving minimum observed distances in set 'Contacts_00001[mindist]' Contact stats will be written to 'STDOUT' Contact res pairs will be written to 'STDOUT' [distance COM :1@N1,C2,H2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,H61,H62,N7,C8,H8,N9 :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,N4,H41,H42,N3,C2,O2] DISTANCE: :1@N1,C2,H2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,H61,H62,N7,C8,H8,N9 to :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,N4,H41,H42,N3,C2,O2, center of mass. [vector v_base1 :1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9 corrplane] VECTOR: Type CorrPlane, mask [:1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9] [vector v_base2 :2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2 corrplane] VECTOR: Type CorrPlane, mask [:2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2] [vectormath name normalangle vec1 v_base1 vec2 v_base2 dotangle] VECTORMATH: Calculating Angle from dot product of vectors v_base1 and v_base2 Vectors will be normalized. [trajin ../../traj.1.01 remdtraj remdtrajtemp 396.40 trajnames ../../traj.1.02,../../traj.1.03,../../traj.1.04,../../traj.1.05,../../traj.1.06,../../traj.1.07,../../traj.1.08,../../traj.1.09,../../traj.1.10,../../traj.1.11,../../traj.1.12,../../traj.1.13,../../traj.1.14,../../traj.1.15,../../traj.1.16,../../traj.1.17,../../traj.1.18,] [run] ---------- RUN BEGIN ------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER FILES: 0: [traj] 'full.topo.hmr', 3299 atoms, 1088 res, box: Orthogonal, 1087 mol, 1075 solvent, 50000 frames INPUT TRAJECTORIES: 0: REMD trajectories (18 total), lowest replica 'traj.1.01' (reading 50000 of 50000) Looking for frames at 396.40 K Coordinate processing will occur on 50000 frames. TIME: Run Initialization took 0.0002 seconds. BEGIN TRAJECTORY PROCESSING: REMD: OPENING 18 REMD TRAJECTORIES ..................................................... ACTION SETUP FOR PARM '[traj]' (7 actions): 0: [strip :WAT,Na+,K+,Cl-] Stripping 3236 atoms. Stripped parm: 'full.topo.hmr', 63 atoms, 2 res, box: Orthogonal, 1 mol 1: [autoimage origin] Anchor molecule is 1 0 molecules are mobile. 2: [rmsd :1,2&!@H= first] Target mask: [:1,2&!@H*](39) Reference mask: [:1,2&!@H*](39) Warning: Coordinates are being rotated and box coordinates are present. Warning: Unit cell vectors are NOT rotated; imaging will not be possible Warning: after the RMS-fit is performed. 3: [nativecontacts :1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9 :2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2 mindist] Mask [:1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9] corresponds to 10 atoms. Mask [:2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2] corresponds to 8 atoms. 10 potential contact sites for ':1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9' 8 potential contact sites for ':2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2' Imaging enabled. 4: [distance COM :1@N1,C2,H2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,H61,H62,N7,C8,H8,N9 :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,N4,H41,H42,N3,C2,O2] :1@N1,C2,H2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,H61,H62,N7,C8,H8,N9 (14 atoms) to :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,N4,H41,H42,N3,C2,O2 (12 atoms), imaged. 5: [vector v_base1 :1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9 corrplane] Vector mask [:1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9] corresponds to 10 atoms. 6: [vector v_base2 :2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2 corrplane] Vector mask [:2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2] corresponds to 8 atoms. ----- traj.1.01 (1-50000, 1) ----- 0% Using first frame to determine native contacts. Mask [:1@N1,C2,N3,C4,C5,C6,N6,N7,C8,N9] corresponds to 10 atoms. Mask [:2@N1,C6,C5,C4,N4,N3,C2,O2] corresponds to 8 atoms. Setup 39 native contacts: Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@N1' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@N3' Atom ':1@N9' to ':2@C2' Atom ':1@C8' to ':2@N1' Atom ':1@C8' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@C8' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@C8' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@C8' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@N7' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@N7' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@N7' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@N7' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@C5' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@C5' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@C5' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@C5' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@C6' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@C6' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@N1' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@N1' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@C2' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@C2' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@C2' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@C2' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@N3' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@N3' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@N3' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@N3' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@N3' to ':2@N3' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@N1' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@C6' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@C5' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@C4' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@N4' Atom ':1@C4' to ':2@N3' 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete. Read 50000 frames and processed 50000 frames. TIME: Trajectory processing: 28.8746 s TIME: Avg. throughput= 1731.6260 frames / second. ACTION OUTPUT: CONTACTS: Contacts_00001 #Res1 #Res2 TotalFrac Contacts 1 2 23.415 39 # Contact Nframes Frac. Avg Stdev 1 :1@N9_:2@C6 34446 0.689 4.94 0.889 2 :1@N9_:2@C5 33903 0.678 4.74 0.896 3 :1@N3_:2@C6 33783 0.676 4.74 1.01 4 :1@N3_:2@C5 33270 0.665 4.72 0.953 5 :1@C4_:2@C5 32922 0.658 4.57 0.943 6 :1@C4_:2@C6 32912 0.658 4.75 0.968 7 :1@N3_:2@C4 31416 0.628 4.92 0.884 8 :1@N9_:2@N1 31395 0.628 5.36 0.73 9 :1@C4_:2@C4 31374 0.627 4.75 0.847 10 :1@N9_:2@C4 31264 0.625 5.05 0.805 11 :1@C4_:2@N1 30996 0.62 5.05 0.885 12 :1@C8_:2@C5 30787 0.616 4.77 0.99 13 :1@C2_:2@C5 30586 0.612 4.85 0.963 14 :1@C2_:2@C6 30526 0.611 4.89 0.994 15 :1@C5_:2@C5 30428 0.609 4.6 1.01 16 :1@C4_:2@N4 30397 0.608 5 0.86 17 :1@C8_:2@C6 30130 0.603 5.14 0.907 18 :1@C5_:2@C4 29875 0.598 4.55 0.974 19 :1@N3_:2@N3 29860 0.597 5.11 0.85 20 :1@C4_:2@N3 29812 0.596 5.06 0.809 21 :1@N9_:2@N4 29637 0.593 5.27 0.831 22 :1@C5_:2@N4 29417 0.588 4.6 0.966 23 :1@N3_:2@N4 29396 0.588 5.23 0.905 24 :1@C2_:2@C4 29359 0.587 4.81 0.932 25 :1@C5_:2@C6 29148 0.583 4.93 0.953 26 :1@N9_:2@N3 28864 0.577 5.44 0.776 27 :1@C8_:2@C4 28797 0.576 4.91 0.907 28 :1@C6_:2@N4 28681 0.574 4.6 1.02 29 :1@N7_:2@C5 28679 0.574 4.7 1.02 30 :1@N9_:2@C2 28606 0.572 5.58 0.705 31 :1@C6_:2@C5 28501 0.57 4.84 0.957 32 :1@N1_:2@C5 28419 0.568 4.96 0.918 33 :1@N7_:2@C4 27947 0.559 4.64 0.961 34 :1@C8_:2@N4 27908 0.558 4.93 0.938 35 :1@C2_:2@N4 27783 0.556 5.04 0.974 36 :1@N7_:2@N4 27744 0.555 4.55 0.985 37 :1@N1_:2@N4 27520 0.55 4.81 0.954 38 :1@N7_:2@C6 27158 0.543 5.16 0.912 39 :1@C8_:2@N1 27105 0.542 5.57 0.803 ANALYSIS: Performing 1 analyses: 0: [vectormath name normalangle vec1 v_base1 vec2 v_base2 dotangle] TIME: Analyses took 0.0026 seconds. DATASETS: 8 data sets: RMSD_00000 "RMSD_00000" (double, rms), size is 50000 Contacts_00001[native] "Contacts_00001[native]" (integer), size is 50000 Contacts_00001[nonnative] "Contacts_00001[nonnative]" (integer), size is 50000 Contacts_00001[mindist] "Contacts_00001[mindist]" (double), size is 50000 COM "COM" (double, distance), size is 50000 v_base1 "v_base1" (vector), size is 50000 v_base2 "v_base2" (vector), size is 50000 normalangle "normalangle" (double), size is 50000 DATAFILES: STDOUT (Native Contacts) STDOUT (Contact Res Pairs) ---------- RUN END --------------------------------------------------- [writedata criteria-raw_396.40.dat Contacts_00001[mindist] COM normalangle] Writing sets to criteria-raw_396.40.dat, format 'Standard Data File' Contacts_00001[mindist] COM normalangle TIME: Total execution time: 29.3060 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To cite CPPTRAJ use: Daniel R. Roe and Thomas E. Cheatham, III, "PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data". J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (7), pp 3084-3095.