CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V15.00 ___ ___ ___ ___ | \/ | \/ | \/ | _|_/\_|_/\_|_/\_|_ | Date/time: 11/23/15 18:09:56 | Available memory: 52489.1 MB INPUT: Reading Input from file pt-hb-wat.in [parm ../../../tip3p/ff12sb/run1/build/noWAt.topo.hmr [traj]] Reading '../../../tip3p/ff12sb/run1/build/noWAt.topo.hmr' as Amber Topology [autoimage origin] AUTOIMAGE: To origin based on center of mass, anchor is first molecule. [trajin ../ctraj.c4] Reading '../ctraj.c4' as Amber NetCDF [hbond nointramol solvout avghb-wat.dat solventdonor :WAT acceptormask :1-2 printatomnum dist 3 printatomnum] HBOND: Acceptor mask is :1-2, donors will be searched for in a region specified by * Only looking for intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Will search for hbonds between solute and solvent donors in [:WAT] Distance cutoff = 3.000, Angle Cutoff = 135.000 Writing solute-solvent hbond avgs to avghb-wat.dat Writing solvent bridging info to avghb-wat.dat Atom numbers will be written to output. ---------- RUN BEGIN ------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER FILES: 0: [traj] 'noWAt.topo.hmr', 61 atoms, 2 res, box: Orthogonal, 1 mol, 38514 frames INPUT TRAJECTORIES: 0: 'ctraj.c4' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm [traj] (Orthogonal box) (reading 38514 of 38514) Coordinate processing will occur on 38514 frames. TIME: Run Initialization took 0.0001 seconds. BEGIN TRAJECTORY PROCESSING: ..................................................... ACTION SETUP FOR PARM '[traj]' (2 actions): 0: [autoimage origin] Anchor molecule is 1 0 molecules are mobile. 1: [hbond nointramol solvout avghb-wat.dat solventdonor :WAT acceptormask :1-2 printatomnum dist 3 printatomnum] Warning: Hbond: SolventDonorMask has no atoms. Warning: Setup failed for [hbond nointramol solvout avghb-wat.dat solventdonor :WAT acceptormask :1-2 printatomnum dist 3 printatomnum]: Skipping ----- ctraj.c4 (1-38514, 1) ----- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete. Read 38514 frames and processed 38514 frames. TIME: Trajectory processing: 0.0537 s TIME: Avg. throughput= 717567.4920 frames / second. ACTION OUTPUT: HBOND: Actual memory usage is 0.00 MB 0 solute-solute hydrogen bonds. 0 solute-solvent hydrogen bonds. 0 unique solute-solvent bridging interactions. DATASETS: 4 data sets: printatomnum[UU] "printatomnum[UU]" (integer), size is 0 printatomnum[UV] "printatomnum[UV]" (integer), size is 0 printatomnum[Bridge] "printatomnum[Bridge]" (integer), size is 0 printatomnum[ID] "printatomnum[ID]" (string), size is 0 DATAFILES: avghb-wat.dat (Avg. solute-solvent HBonds, Solvent bridging info) ---------- RUN END --------------------------------------------------- TIME: Total execution time: 0.0810 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To cite CPPTRAJ use: Daniel R. Roe and Thomas E. Cheatham, III, "PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data". J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (7), pp 3084-3095.