CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V16.00b ___ ___ ___ ___ | \/ | \/ | \/ | _|_/\_|_/\_|_/\_|_ | Date/time: 06/22/16 13:34:33 | Available memory: 1.481 GB INPUT: Reading input from 'pt-analysis1.in' [parm ../../../tip3p/ff14sb/run1/build/noWAt.topo.hmr] Reading '../../../tip3p/ff14sb/run1/build/noWAt.topo.hmr' as Amber Topology [trajin ../ctraj.c3] Reading '../ctraj.c3' as Amber NetCDF [reference ../../../B-form.pdb [a-form]] Reading '../../../B-form.pdb' as PDB Warning: PDB line length is short (67 chars, expected 80). Setting active reference for distance-based masks: 'B-form.pdb' [rmsd rms_2_aform :1,2&!@H= ref [a-form] mass] RMSD: (:1,2&!@H*), reference is "[a-form]:1" (:1,2&!@H*), mass-weighted. Best-fit RMSD will be calculated, coords will be rotated and translated. [distance COM :1@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7 :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7] DISTANCE: :1@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7 to :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7, center of mass. [dihedral g1 :1@O5' :1@C5' :1@C4' :1@C3' type gamma] DIHEDRAL: [:1@O5']-[:1@C5']-[:1@C4']-[:1@C3'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral d1 :1@C5' :1@C4' :1@C3' :1@O3' type delta] DIHEDRAL: [:1@C5']-[:1@C4']-[:1@C3']-[:1@O3'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral e1 :1@C4' :1@C3' :1@O3' :2@P type epsilon] DIHEDRAL: [:1@C4']-[:1@C3']-[:1@O3']-[:2@P] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral z1 :1@C3' :1@O3' :2@P :2@O5' type zeta] DIHEDRAL: [:1@C3']-[:1@O3']-[:2@P]-[:2@O5'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral c1 :1@O4' :1@C1' :1@N1 :1@C2 type chi] DIHEDRAL: [:1@O4']-[:1@C1']-[:1@N1]-[:1@C2] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral a2 :1@O3' :2@P :2@O5' :2@C5' type alpha] DIHEDRAL: [:1@O3']-[:2@P]-[:2@O5']-[:2@C5'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral b2 :2@P :2@O5' :2@C5' :2@C4' type beta] DIHEDRAL: [:2@P]-[:2@O5']-[:2@C5']-[:2@C4'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral g2 :2@O5' :2@C5' :2@C4' :2@C3' type gamma] DIHEDRAL: [:2@O5']-[:2@C5']-[:2@C4']-[:2@C3'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral d2 :2@C5' :2@C4' :2@C3' :2@O3' type delta] DIHEDRAL: [:2@C5']-[:2@C4']-[:2@C3']-[:2@O3'] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [dihedral c2 :2@O4' :2@C1' :2@N1 :2@C2 type chi] DIHEDRAL: [:2@O4']-[:2@C1']-[:2@N1]-[:2@C2] Output range is -180 to 180 degrees. [run] ---------- RUN BEGIN ------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER FILES (1 total): 0: noWAt.topo.hmr, 63 atoms, 2 res, box: Orthogonal, 1 mol INPUT TRAJECTORIES (1 total): 0: 'ctraj.c3' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm noWAt.topo.hmr (Orthogonal box) (reading 4442 of 4442) Coordinate processing will occur on 4442 frames. REFERENCE FRAMES (1 total): 0: [a-form]:1 Active reference frame for distance-based masks is '[a-form]:1' BEGIN TRAJECTORY PROCESSING: ..................................................... ACTION SETUP FOR PARM 'noWAt.topo.hmr' (12 actions): 0: [rmsd rms_2_aform :1,2&!@H= ref [a-form] mass] Target mask: [:1,2&!@H*](37) Reference mask: [:1,2&!@H*](37) Warning: Coordinates are being rotated and box coordinates are present. Warning: Unit cell vectors are NOT rotated; imaging will not be possible Warning: after the RMS-fit is performed. 1: [distance COM :1@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7 :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7] :1@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7 (11 atoms) to :2@N1,C6,H6,C5,H5,C4,O4,N3,H3,C2,O2,C7 (11 atoms), imaged. 2: [dihedral g1 :1@O5' :1@C5' :1@C4' :1@C3' type gamma] [:1@O5'](1) [:1@C5'](1) [:1@C4'](1) [:1@C3'](1) 3: [dihedral d1 :1@C5' :1@C4' :1@C3' :1@O3' type delta] [:1@C5'](1) [:1@C4'](1) [:1@C3'](1) [:1@O3'](1) 4: [dihedral e1 :1@C4' :1@C3' :1@O3' :2@P type epsilon] [:1@C4'](1) [:1@C3'](1) [:1@O3'](1) [:2@P](1) 5: [dihedral z1 :1@C3' :1@O3' :2@P :2@O5' type zeta] [:1@C3'](1) [:1@O3'](1) [:2@P](1) [:2@O5'](1) 6: [dihedral c1 :1@O4' :1@C1' :1@N1 :1@C2 type chi] [:1@O4'](1) [:1@C1'](1) [:1@N1](1) [:1@C2](1) 7: [dihedral a2 :1@O3' :2@P :2@O5' :2@C5' type alpha] [:1@O3'](1) [:2@P](1) [:2@O5'](1) [:2@C5'](1) 8: [dihedral b2 :2@P :2@O5' :2@C5' :2@C4' type beta] [:2@P](1) [:2@O5'](1) [:2@C5'](1) [:2@C4'](1) 9: [dihedral g2 :2@O5' :2@C5' :2@C4' :2@C3' type gamma] [:2@O5'](1) [:2@C5'](1) [:2@C4'](1) [:2@C3'](1) 10: [dihedral d2 :2@C5' :2@C4' :2@C3' :2@O3' type delta] [:2@C5'](1) [:2@C4'](1) [:2@C3'](1) [:2@O3'](1) 11: [dihedral c2 :2@O4' :2@C1' :2@N1 :2@C2 type chi] [:2@O4'](1) [:2@C1'](1) [:2@N1](1) [:2@C2](1) ----- ctraj.c3 (1-4442, 1) ----- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete. Read 4442 frames and processed 4442 frames. TIME: Avg. throughput= 111636.0895 frames / second. ACTION OUTPUT: DATASETS (12 total): rms_2_aform "rms_2_aform" (double, rms), size is 4442 COM "COM" (double, distance), size is 4442 g1 "g1" (double, torsion(gamma)), size is 4442 d1 "d1" (double, torsion(delta)), size is 4442 e1 "e1" (double, torsion(epsilon)), size is 4442 z1 "z1" (double, torsion(zeta)), size is 4442 c1 "c1" (double, torsion(chin)), size is 4442 a2 "a2" (double, torsion(alpha)), size is 4442 b2 "b2" (double, torsion(beta)), size is 4442 g2 "g2" (double, torsion(gamma)), size is 4442 d2 "d2" (double, torsion(delta)), size is 4442 c2 "c2" (double, torsion(chin)), size is 4442 RUN TIMING: TIME: Init : 0.0000 s ( 0.11%) TIME: Trajectory Process : 0.0398 s ( 99.74%) TIME: Action Post : 0.0000 s ( 0.01%) TIME: Analysis : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Data File Write : 0.0000 s ( 0.08%) TIME: Other : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Run Total 0.0399 s ---------- RUN END --------------------------------------------------- [avg rms_2_aform out avg-rmsd-all.dat] AVERAGE: Calculating average of 1 data sets. Data set base name 'AVERAGE_00014' Output to to 'avg-rmsd-all.dat' [hist rms_2_aform,0,5,0.1 out rmsd-hist.dat name RMSD norm] Hist: rmsd-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ rms_2_aform ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist COM,0,10,0.1 out COM-hist.dat name CoM norm] Hist: COM-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ COM ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist g1,-180,180,1 out dihed_g1-hist.dat name gamma_1 norm] Hist: dihed_g1-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ g1 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist d1,-180,180,1 out dihed_d1-hist.dat name delta_1 norm] Hist: dihed_d1-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ d1 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist e1,-180,180,1 out dihed_e1-hist.dat name epsilon_1 norm] Hist: dihed_e1-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ e1 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist z1,-180,180,1 out dihed_z1-hist.dat name zeta_1 norm] Hist: dihed_z1-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ z1 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist c1,-180,180,1 out dihed_c1-hist.dat name chi_1 norm] Hist: dihed_c1-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ c1 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist a2,-180,180,1 out dihed_a2-hist.dat name alpha_2 norm] Hist: dihed_a2-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ a2 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist b2,-180,180,1 out dihed_b2-hist.dat name beta_2 norm] Hist: dihed_b2-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ b2 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist g2,-180,180,1 out dihed_g2-hist.dat name gamma_2 norm] Hist: dihed_g2-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ g2 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist d2,-180,180,1 out dihed_d2-hist.dat name delta_2 norm] Hist: dihed_d2-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ d2 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. [hist c2,-180,180,1 out dihed_c2-hist.dat name chi_2 norm] Hist: dihed_c2-hist.dat: Set up for 1 dimensions using the following datasets: [ c2 ] norm: Sum over bins will be normalized to 1.0. ---------- RUN BEGIN ------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER FILES (1 total): 0: noWAt.topo.hmr, 63 atoms, 2 res, box: Orthogonal, 1 mol INPUT TRAJECTORIES (1 total): 0: 'ctraj.c3' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm noWAt.topo.hmr (Orthogonal box) (reading 4442 of 4442) Coordinate processing will occur on 4442 frames. REFERENCE FRAMES (1 total): 0: [a-form]:1 Active reference frame for distance-based masks is '[a-form]:1' BEGIN TRAJECTORY PROCESSING: ----- ctraj.c3 (1-4442, 1) ----- 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete. Read 4442 frames and processed 4442 frames. TIME: Avg. throughput= 451790.0732 frames / second. ACTION OUTPUT: ANALYSIS: Performing 13 analyses: 0: [avg rms_2_aform out avg-rmsd-all.dat] 1: rms_2_aform 1: [hist rms_2_aform,0,5,0.1 out rmsd-hist.dat name RMSD norm] Calculating bins from min=0 max=5 step=0.1. Dim rms_2_aform: 0.000000->5.000000, step 0.100000, 50 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 50 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 2: [hist COM,0,10,0.1 out COM-hist.dat name CoM norm] Calculating bins from min=0 max=10 step=0.1. Dim COM: 0.000000->10.000000, step 0.100000, 100 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 100 Warning: Frame 1 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 13 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 14 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 30 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 32 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 34 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 35 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 36 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 38 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 39 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 45 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 48 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 49 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 53 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 57 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 70 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 96 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 97 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 98 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 99 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 108 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 114 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 115 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 123 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 124 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 125 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 126 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 127 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 131 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 167 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 168 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 179 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 180 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 195 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 199 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 203 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 223 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 225 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 226 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 232 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 233 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 254 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 255 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 256 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 258 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 259 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 260 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 261 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 262 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 266 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 282 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 289 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 292 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 298 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 306 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 308 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 309 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 313 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 314 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 316 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 317 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 319 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 360 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 361 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 364 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 369 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 381 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 394 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 408 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 409 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 422 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 424 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 425 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 434 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 440 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 456 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 469 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 470 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 531 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 532 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 533 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 540 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 560 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 569 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 570 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 585 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 587 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 588 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 597 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 598 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 599 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 603 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 604 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 613 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 623 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 624 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 635 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 636 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 638 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 653 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 668 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 669 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 679 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 709 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 710 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 744 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 746 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 751 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 752 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 753 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 757 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 758 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 759 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 761 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 768 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 769 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 795 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 796 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 799 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 827 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 830 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 831 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 837 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 858 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 859 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 860 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 868 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 869 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 870 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 871 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 872 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 876 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 877 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 878 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 879 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 881 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 882 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 896 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 909 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 918 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 928 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 929 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 936 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 937 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 942 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 947 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 956 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 957 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 970 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 979 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 998 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1007 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1013 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1017 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1018 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1026 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1027 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1028 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1029 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1030 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1031 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1032 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1040 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1052 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1054 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1055 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1060 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1061 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1063 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1081 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1083 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1091 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1092 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1100 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1114 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1115 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1116 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1117 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1118 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1119 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1120 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1150 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1155 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1156 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1157 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1158 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1160 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1161 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1163 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1171 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1172 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1177 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1179 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1180 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1181 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1184 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1185 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1187 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1193 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1194 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1204 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1205 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1207 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1208 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1209 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1212 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1221 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1225 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1239 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1243 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1245 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1246 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1248 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1252 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1259 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1269 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1280 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1282 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1284 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1285 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1286 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1287 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1312 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1317 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1333 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1362 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1363 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1369 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1383 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1384 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1386 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1391 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1393 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1394 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1404 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1405 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1406 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1407 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1427 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1462 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1464 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1465 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1466 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1467 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1479 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1480 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1487 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1488 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1489 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1505 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1506 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1507 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1508 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1509 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1534 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1535 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1536 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1537 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1538 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1552 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1554 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1556 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1557 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1558 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1559 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1565 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1566 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1569 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1580 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1589 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1602 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1604 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1605 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1606 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1616 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1618 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1619 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1620 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1622 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1632 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1634 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1637 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1641 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1642 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1643 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1644 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1648 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1660 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1661 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1667 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1668 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1704 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1705 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1708 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1710 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1717 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1719 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1726 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1744 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1752 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1753 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1754 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1755 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1756 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1761 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1763 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1766 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1779 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1789 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1796 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1804 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1815 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1827 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1828 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1838 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1861 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1862 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1863 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1866 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1869 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1873 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1874 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1876 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1877 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1896 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1904 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1905 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1907 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1908 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1909 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1910 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1913 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1920 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1922 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1923 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1924 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1925 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1926 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1927 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1928 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1929 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1962 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1967 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1970 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1974 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1990 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1998 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 1999 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2007 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2008 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2013 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2032 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2033 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2034 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2036 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2037 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2038 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2042 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2043 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2044 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2045 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2048 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2053 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2054 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2060 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2061 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2069 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2073 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2074 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2075 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2080 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2083 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2084 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2085 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2086 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2098 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2109 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2110 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2119 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2120 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2126 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2128 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2129 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2136 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2151 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2152 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2153 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2154 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2158 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2162 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2163 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2174 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2178 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2179 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2180 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2197 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2200 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2211 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2212 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2213 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2220 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2233 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2242 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2244 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2249 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2250 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2262 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2263 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2266 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2271 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2272 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2273 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2274 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2276 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2283 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2301 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2303 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2305 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2308 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2315 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2324 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2331 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2342 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2348 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2349 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2350 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2351 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2352 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2353 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2355 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2356 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2358 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2364 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2369 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2401 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2412 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2415 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2416 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2425 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2427 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2435 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2439 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2441 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2442 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2469 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2470 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2472 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2474 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2476 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2480 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2481 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2482 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2483 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2485 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2486 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2488 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2499 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2500 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2501 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2502 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2503 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2509 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2511 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2512 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2521 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2533 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2540 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2541 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2550 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2553 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2554 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2572 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2573 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2588 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2604 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2605 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2610 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2611 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2612 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2615 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2628 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2635 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2636 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2637 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2659 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2661 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2665 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2666 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2673 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2681 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2685 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2686 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2725 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2727 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2730 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2734 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2746 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2747 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2760 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2768 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2769 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2771 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2776 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2784 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2785 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2789 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2793 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2794 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2795 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2796 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2813 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2815 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2816 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2819 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2834 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2837 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2841 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2845 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2846 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2856 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2863 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2865 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2873 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2875 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2879 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2880 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2881 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2884 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2885 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2886 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2895 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2901 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2911 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2914 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2919 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2944 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2947 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2948 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2950 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2971 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2972 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2987 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 2991 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3002 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3010 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3012 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3015 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3016 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3019 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3020 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3023 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3036 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3037 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3038 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3041 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3044 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3045 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3046 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3049 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3055 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3081 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3105 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3108 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3111 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3112 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3114 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3115 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3125 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3126 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3129 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3132 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3135 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3137 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3148 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3176 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3177 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3178 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3186 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3195 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3197 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3198 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3199 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3201 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3202 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3203 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3227 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3228 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3229 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3241 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3243 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3244 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3245 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3249 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3254 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3259 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3260 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3262 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3263 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3264 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3270 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3274 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3276 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3277 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3278 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3281 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3282 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3283 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3308 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3310 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3311 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3315 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3316 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3317 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3328 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3336 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3337 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3338 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3339 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3340 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3351 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3352 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3373 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3375 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3381 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3382 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3383 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3384 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3385 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3386 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3389 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3412 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3413 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3414 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3420 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3421 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3431 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3432 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3437 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3454 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3455 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3463 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3464 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3470 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3471 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3473 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3478 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3479 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3484 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3486 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3489 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3490 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3491 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3497 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3512 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3513 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3524 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3533 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3534 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3537 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3542 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3543 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3550 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3562 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3574 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3576 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3578 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3583 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3588 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3589 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3592 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3604 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3608 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3609 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3616 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3617 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3618 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3622 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3623 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3624 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3626 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3643 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3644 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3662 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3664 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3675 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3676 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3677 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3696 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3699 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3700 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3714 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3716 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3717 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3718 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3720 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3722 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3723 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3739 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3742 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3746 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3753 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3755 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3756 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3757 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3759 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3776 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3777 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3781 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3783 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3802 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3803 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3805 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3806 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3807 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3820 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3827 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3830 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3831 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3832 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3833 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3834 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3835 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3838 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3839 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3846 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3860 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3868 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3872 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3873 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3884 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3885 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3891 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3899 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3902 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3904 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3910 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3916 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3917 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3918 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3936 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3949 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3959 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3960 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 3976 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4004 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4005 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4007 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4008 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4014 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4015 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4021 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4022 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4026 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4027 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4029 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4039 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4043 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4044 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4045 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4046 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4049 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4050 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4053 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4054 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4055 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4056 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4071 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4073 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4079 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4081 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4099 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4107 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4125 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4127 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4128 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4129 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4145 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4149 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4171 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4174 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4175 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4177 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4178 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4181 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4182 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4186 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4187 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4195 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4196 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4206 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4209 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4210 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4223 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4236 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4260 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4266 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4267 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4287 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4312 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4315 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4319 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4329 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4331 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4347 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4355 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4366 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4375 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4380 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4390 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4395 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4396 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4397 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4410 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4418 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4420 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4423 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4424 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4425 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4427 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Warning: Frame 4429 Coordinates out of bounds (-1) Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 3620 3: [hist g1,-180,180,1 out dihed_g1-hist.dat name gamma_1 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim g1: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 4: [hist d1,-180,180,1 out dihed_d1-hist.dat name delta_1 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim d1: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 5: [hist e1,-180,180,1 out dihed_e1-hist.dat name epsilon_1 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim e1: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 6: [hist z1,-180,180,1 out dihed_z1-hist.dat name zeta_1 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim z1: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 7: [hist c1,-180,180,1 out dihed_c1-hist.dat name chi_1 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim c1: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 8: [hist a2,-180,180,1 out dihed_a2-hist.dat name alpha_2 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim a2: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 9: [hist b2,-180,180,1 out dihed_b2-hist.dat name beta_2 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim b2: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 10: [hist g2,-180,180,1 out dihed_g2-hist.dat name gamma_2 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim g2: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 11: [hist d2,-180,180,1 out dihed_d2-hist.dat name delta_2 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim d2: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 12: [hist c2,-180,180,1 out dihed_c2-hist.dat name chi_2 norm] Calculating bins from min=-180 max=180 step=1. Dim c2: -180.000000->180.000000, step 1.000000, 360 bins. Hist: 4442 data points in each dimension. Hist: Allocating histogram, total bins = 360 Histogram: Normalizing sum of bin populations to 1.0 Sum over all bins is 4442 TIME: Analyses took 0.0017 seconds. DATASETS (31 total): rms_2_aform "rms_2_aform" (double, rms), size is 4442 COM "COM" (double, distance), size is 4442 g1 "g1" (double, torsion(gamma)), size is 4442 d1 "d1" (double, torsion(delta)), size is 4442 e1 "e1" (double, torsion(epsilon)), size is 4442 z1 "z1" (double, torsion(zeta)), size is 4442 c1 "c1" (double, torsion(chin)), size is 4442 a2 "a2" (double, torsion(alpha)), size is 4442 b2 "b2" (double, torsion(beta)), size is 4442 g2 "g2" (double, torsion(gamma)), size is 4442 d2 "d2" (double, torsion(delta)), size is 4442 c2 "c2" (double, torsion(chin)), size is 4442 AVERAGE_00014[avg] "AVERAGE_00014[avg]" (double), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[sd] "AVERAGE_00014[sd]" (double), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[ymin] "AVERAGE_00014[ymin]" (double), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[ymax] "AVERAGE_00014[ymax]" (double), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[yminidx] "AVERAGE_00014[yminidx]" (integer), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[ymaxidx] "AVERAGE_00014[ymaxidx]" (integer), size is 1 AVERAGE_00014[names] "AVERAGE_00014[names]" (string), size is 1 RMSD "RMSD" (double), size is 50 CoM "CoM" (double), size is 100 gamma_1 "gamma_1" (double), size is 360 delta_1 "delta_1" (double), size is 360 epsilon_1 "epsilon_1" (double), size is 360 zeta_1 "zeta_1" (double), size is 360 chi_1 "chi_1" (double), size is 360 alpha_2 "alpha_2" (double), size is 360 beta_2 "beta_2" (double), size is 360 gamma_2 "gamma_2" (double), size is 360 delta_2 "delta_2" (double), size is 360 chi_2 "chi_2" (double), size is 360 DATAFILES (13 total): avg-rmsd-all.dat (Standard Data File): AVERAGE_00014[avg] AVERAGE_00014[sd] AVERAGE_00014[ymin] AVERAGE_00014[ymax] AVERAGE_00014[yminidx] AVERAGE_00014[ymaxidx] AVERAGE_00014[names] rmsd-hist.dat (Standard Data File): RMSD COM-hist.dat (Standard Data File): CoM dihed_g1-hist.dat (Standard Data File): gamma_1 dihed_d1-hist.dat (Standard Data File): delta_1 dihed_e1-hist.dat (Standard Data File): epsilon_1 dihed_z1-hist.dat (Standard Data File): zeta_1 dihed_c1-hist.dat (Standard Data File): chi_1 dihed_a2-hist.dat (Standard Data File): alpha_2 dihed_b2-hist.dat (Standard Data File): beta_2 dihed_g2-hist.dat (Standard Data File): gamma_2 dihed_d2-hist.dat (Standard Data File): delta_2 dihed_c2-hist.dat (Standard Data File): chi_2 RUN TIMING: TIME: Init : 0.0000 s ( 0.07%) TIME: Trajectory Process : 0.0098 s ( 29.30%) TIME: Action Post : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Analysis : 0.0017 s ( 5.14%) TIME: Data File Write : 0.0220 s ( 65.41%) TIME: Other : 0.0000 s ( 0.00%) TIME: Run Total 0.0336 s ---------- RUN END --------------------------------------------------- TIME: Total execution time: 0.0877 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To cite CPPTRAJ use: Daniel R. Roe and Thomas E. Cheatham, III, "PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data". J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (7), pp 3084-3095.