cd /N/gpfsbr/tg-tec3/P450/1SUO_apo echo `pwd` pwd llmachinelist cat /tmp/machinelist.s10c2b5.dim.150893.0 set pre = 12 set cur = 13 mpirun -np 64 -machinefile /tmp/machinelist.s10c2b5.dim.150893.0 /N/u/tg-tec3/BigRed/sander.BigRed -O -i mdin -c restrt.12 -r restrt.13 -x traj.13 -o mdout.13 -e ener.13 1525-090 The NAMELIST READ statement cannot be completed because an incorrect character was encountered in a NAMELIST group name or item name. The program will recover by discontinuing further processing of the READ statement. 1525-090 The NAMELIST READ statement cannot be completed because an incorrect character was encountered in a NAMELIST group name or item name. The program will recover by discontinuing further processing of the READ statement.