------------------------------------------------------------ Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 347009: <2BDM_cpz> Exited Job <2BDM_cpz> was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) <4*c19-301>, in queue , as user . <4*c25-404> <4*c43-104> <4*c32-403> <4*c34-405> <4*c23-105> <4*c29-401> <4*c34-303> was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Wed Jun 27 12:50:44 2007 Results reported at Thu Jun 28 16:29:48 2007 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input #!/bin/tcsh #BSUB -J 2BDM_cpz #BSUB -o out.o%J #BSUB -e out.e%J #BSUB -n 32 -W 24:00 #BSUB -q normal set echo cd /work/teragrid/tg456049/P450/2BDM_cpz set cur = 18 set pre = 17 ibrun ~/sander.MPI -O -i inputs/mdin -c restrt.$pre -r restrt.$cur \ -o mdout.$cur -x traj.$cur -e ener.$cur rsh lslogin1 "(cd work/P450/2BDM_cpz && bsub < runit.$cur)" ------------------------------------------------------------ TERM_UNKNOWN: job exited, reason unknown. Exited The output (if any) is above this job summary. PS: Read file for stderr output of this job.